Unique Strict Registry entry

Specify whether unique checks should be performed on a column that has been defined as unique on the server (in the table schema itself or using a Unique Index Registry entry). By default all unique columns are checked for uniqueness. With this entry it is possible to override the uniqueness check.


This Registry entry can be assigned to users and groups:

Key User User Group Group Group Group
Key 1 User User Group Group Group Group
Key 2 user user group group Default Default
Key 3 Table Table Table Table Table Table
Key 4 table Default table Default table Default
Key 5 Unique Strict
Key 6 column
Value boolean



the back-end name of the column set to be unique in the table schema (by the developer) or by using the Unique Registry entry.


is either true (the column must be unique) or false (duplicate values may be entered in the column).

Note: If this entry is not present, a setting of true is assumed.


This entry specifies that the InfLoanNumber field may contain duplicate values:

Key Setting
Key 1 Group
Key 2 Default
Key 3 Table
Key 4 eloans
Key 5 Unique Strict
Key 6 InfLoanNumber
Value false